Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett

domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010

Remembrance Day

Nestes últimos meses tem havido um crescente de Poppys. Quando vi isto pela primeira vez achei muito estranho. Ele são os apresentadores da BBC, os trabalhadores do metro e o cidadão comum que usam estas papoilas de papel na lapela.

Depois comecei a ver à saída do metro pensionistas a "vender" estas papoilas para ajudar a Royal British Legion. Trata-se de uma instituição de caridade (ou charity) que apoia os feridos de guerra e as suas famílias. Os jornais também se juntam a esta causa e usam a poppy nas suas manchetes.

Associado a isto temos o Remembrance Day, também conhecido como dia do armisticio, que é a data do fim da Primeira Grande Guerra. Na passada 5ªF dia 11 de Novembro foram feitos 2 minutos de silêncio por todo o Reino Unido (e Commonwealth) para lembrar todos os que caíram ao serviço do seu País desde essa guerra. No meu escritório circulou um email a pedir 2 min de silêncio as 11h...pena só o ter visto pelas 11h05. Mas existem várias localidades que param completamente para se juntarem num marco relacionado com a guerra. Normalmente são localidades que têm sido especialmente afectas com baixas das guerras no Iraque e Afganistão. Também há cidadãos anónimos que param e saem dos seus carros em sinal de respeito.
Ao longo do mês de Novembro têm havido várias paradas militares com a inevitavel presença da família real que coloca flores e poppys nos vários marcos de guerra da cidade.

Fico a pensar se não seria possivel criar uma organização em Portugal que usasse o cravo para recolher donativos e que isso servisse para ajudar ex-combatentes do ultramar ou mesmo para trazer as campas daqueles que nunca voltaram.

Mas suspeito que o cidadão comum esteja mais afim de enviar 100sms pró ídolos...

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2010

CV no formato Reino Unido

Este é um post com 2 anos de atraso.

Quando estava à procura de emprego em Londres a partir de Portugal acabei por trocar emails com a empresa de recrutamento de IT Client Server. Um consultor telefonou-me e fez-me algumas perguntas sobre mim e o meu cv e também para aproveitar e avaliar o meu Inglês.
Disse que o meu CV estava num formato impróprio para o Reino Unido. Algo que me deixou surpreendido e revoltado porque ele estava no formato europeu europass. Disse-lhe isso mesmo ao que ele pouco ligou dizendo apenas que o formato é impróprio para o País. Os bifes são tipos estranhos. Eles mesmos afirmam muitas vezes "lá na europa"...quando estes estão DENTRO da europa. Também gostam de dizer "eles, os europeus" e por aí adiante. Por isso não será de estranhar que tenham o seu proprio formato de CV.

Esse mesmo consultor enviou-me um email onde dava dicas de como escrever o meu cv no formato Inglês e deixou-me depois 2 exemplos (com experiência e graduate ou acabado de sair da faculdade). Ficam aqui os exemplos com algumas violações de direitos de autor mas que espero que sirvam para ajudar a entrar nas retinas destes bichos estranhos chamados recrutadores. Não quero dizer que este seja o único formato correcto até porque é um formato para alguém da área das Tecnologias de Informação. Acredito que para alguém de artes seja algo como um portfólio, ou para letras algo completamente diferente. Mas importa dizer que depois de ter mudado para este formato comecei a receber muitos mais contactos inclusivé uma entrevista telefónica para a Microsoft.

Initially, I would strongly suggest you add a first line in to explain what the company does, which will help in explaining what your role is. Then elaborate in bullet points what you do. I look forward to receiving the finished product.

Please take a look at the attached - they are for ideas only! DO NOT JUST COPY - some bits are good, some bad - read them, see what you feel is good and what is missing. (Do you understand this person? does it make you want to keep reading??)

It would be helpful to see what you are and your best technologies in the introduction part.

Always remember that the Manager who will be looking at your details will be busy and have dozens of CV's to look through - so yours needs to attract his attention at the beginning and keep him interested as he reads.............

Show what you are from the start! Sort of like you were looking for a house - London , 3 bed semi, £250k..... blah blah

Not - new bathroom, new under stairs toilet, 17 x 12 lounge, beautiful views - oh by the way, it's in Siberia ....!

As we read left to right and top down, typically, we place more importance on things at the beginning of a list - these are considered to be of more importance/strength than something at the end. (Just keep this in mind).

Your intro at the start - think of it a bit like if you were standing up to talk to an audience introducing yourself - don't ramble on , stuff like 'good team player' should be avoided as I have never seen anyone say 'Not a good team player'


I am a client facing, senior software engineer with 7 years commercial experience. My core skill is OO software development using C++ on Unix.


I am a really nice person who works well in a team and on my own and can do most things as well as walking my dog and talking to strangers!!! (They think - So what? what are you, why do I want to keep reading your CV?)

Overall, keep it 'Punchy' and do not be afraid to say good things that you did.

Do not try to pad out or include irrelevant details such as 'Occasionally helped office junior fill fax machine' or 'Assisted support team during sickness and holidays' - unless you want to be a support person or fax machine filler......................

Write in 'first person' - I did this, that, the other. Not 'He did this' etc (makes you sound as though you are very old or had to get someone else to write your CV for you)

Keep it simple - 11pt font for main text and 12 pt headings, use of italics for a secondary heading sometimes looks good.

Personally I think the use of the CV templates waste a lot of time and paper.

Margins - you can go out as far as about 20 mm left and right, same top and about 15 mm at the bottom.

Layout needs to make it easy to read and follow - simple, consistent formatting helps achieve this.

Education - if good, consider putting it on the front page - this is a personal choice for you, but always include years and degree grades (If you don't, people assume the worst)

Skills list should include number of years commercial experience.

Absolute max 3 pages ideally only two. (No decent manager has time to read a book) Reverse chronological order.

No date gaps - if you had a break, tell people what you did Include date of birth, Nationality, Visa status if applicable and Marital status

Jobs need to Include:

Dates from and to MM/YY - overall dates, if you have had several jobs within the same company, make sure the initial line covers the whole period, then separate below if applicable.

Company Name

Your position - this may not be your official title, but a title that accurately describes your work.

Brief overview of what the company did/does and (if applicable) what your dept did. This needs to be straightforward to understand, try to avoid market specific jargon at this stage.

Follow this with a detailed description of what you did - including technologies and how these were used. As this is the guts of your work be technical. This bit needs only to be fully understood by your potential boss...... (If he can't understand what you have written - will you want him as your boss??) I, for example, would expect to be able to glean the importance / complexity of your work - but may not fully understand the detail.

(But you never know - I may surprise you...)

If any work was consultancy project based, overview of your main projects, length, value and size of team, description of exactly what you did on the project, including main technologies used. Make sure the projects are in order of relevance/difficulty/size - don't put a simple 3 month HTML project first!

At the end 'Excellent references available' - do not include their names. Peoples details are private - I would not want my personal details banded around. (Make up a separate sheet that you can take to interviews / send if requested)

Before you finalise it, check the document language is set to English (UK) and spell check it carefully, print it out and have a look at the general layout - does it look 'nice' ?? Take that bit of extra care - silly mistakes, misspellings? smack of laziness / carelessness which in this market, could easily get you rejected.

Also consider these pieces of paper (your CV) could be worth £30 / 40 / 50 THOUSAND pounds.......... and peace of mind, doing something really interesting - think about it!

terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010

Have a quiet word with yourself!

Acabei de ter aqui (no facebook) uma picardia com uma amiga de um amigo... de um amigo... que nunca vi mais gorda. Onde ela acaba por dizer "Have a quiet word with yourself!". Parece um pouco obvia a tradução mas mesmo assim fica aqui a definição pelo Urban dictionary:
Have a word with yourself
When one is sent into the corner of a room, to speak quietly and coherently to oneself, with focus on remedial action on previous actions that initiated the demand from friend to go and "Have a word with yourself" (V)do the obvious

Shall we spit roast your bird tonight?
"Think you need to go and have a word with yourself"

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