Acabo de ler um post sobre um perfume diferente...
"the scent of seduction with a hint of flamed-grilled meat"
-"Isso faz-me lembrar um episodio do Seinfeld!"
Pois faz.
O Kramer ja tinha tido uma ideia deste calibre ha... 17 anos.
Um perfume chamado "The beach" que te deixava a cheira como se "you first come home from the beach". Ou seja...como cheiras depois de vir da praia.
E pensar que os perfumes Bic nao vingaram por se associar a algo barato e descartavel...
tss tss... la andam os "artistas" a reinventar uma ideia de merda para a tornarem numa ideia de merda com estilo.
KRAMER: You know I got a great idea for a cologne. The Beach. You spray it on and you smell like you just came home from the beach
JERRY: Hum, a cologne that smells like the beach. I can't believe I'm saying this, "That's not a bad idea."
KRAMER: Tell me about it!
JERRY: Why don't you call Steve D'Jiff, he works in the marketing department at Calvin Klein.
KRAMER: Go ahead smell, smell
STEVE: Yeah, so?
KRAMER: Do you recognize it? ... The beach.
STEVE: What are you talking about?
KRAMER: Oh, I'm talking about the beach.
STEVE: What about it?
KRAMER: You know the way you smell when you first come home from the beach?
Well, I want to make a cologne that captures the essence of that smell.
Oh yeah.
STEVE: That is the dumbest idea I have ever heard.
KRAMER: Oh, wait, Did you here what I just said?
STEVE: Do you think people are going to pay $80 a bottle to smell like dead
fish and sea weed? That's why people take showers when the come
home from the beach. It's an objectionable offensive odour.
KRAMER: So you don't think it's a good idea?
---in Season 3, Episode 14: The Pez Dispenser
Uma serie depois a Calvin Klein lancaria o seu novo produto "The Ocean"...
...On episode No. 144 "The Nap" Kramer invented a mattress filled with sand that felt "like sleeping on a beach."
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